Simple Bean Curd Cheese Chicken Recipes
Bean curd cheese also known as fermented tofu, fermented bean curd, tofu cheese, soy cheese or preserved tofu (according to Wikipedia) is a type of Chinese condiment consisting of a form of processed, preserved tofu used in East Asian cuisine. The ingredients typically are soybeans, salt, rice wine and sesame oil or vinegar.
- Prep Time : 15 min
- Cook Time : 20 min
- Ready Time : 35 min
4-5 Persons
- 2 drumsticks and 2 wings of chicken ***optional to replace with breast chicken
- 1 & 1/2 pieces of Fermented Tofu
- 3 table spoons of Oil
- 100 ml of Water
Step 1: Rinse the chicken.
Step 2: Smash the fermented tofu and marinate it with the chicken for at least 15 min. ***More longer time is better.
Step 3: Heat the oils and put in the chicken to fry for 3 minutes.
Step 4: Pour the 100 ml of water to cook about 20 minutes.